Sunday 8 August 2010

Welcome to Icara Healing

There are many ways to heal yourself, whether mind, body or soul. If I can guide one soul on their walk through this lifetime then creating this blog was worthwhile.

Speaking to you through this blog may create certain resonances within you; certain feelings that might trigger thoughts and images. Follow these feelings and sit with them, then listen for that small voice and hear what it's telling you.

This simple method is how I learned to become self aware.  It's how I dialogue with myself, diagnose and heal myself and by doing this, my life has radically changed.

Remember - my words cannot touch you unless they have somewhere to land within you.  If something lands with you, I strongly guide you to follow it down the rabbit hole and learn, learn, learn.

I'm right here if you need assistance.

Peace and Joy

8 August 2010 - 10:00
Revised - 23/2/14

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